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Photo of  Sarah Henson, MD

Sarah Henson, MD

Assistant Professor of Clinical-Affiliate

Pediatrics | College of Medicine

  • Doctor of Medicine: University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Medicine (Medicine)
  • Bachelor of Science: Oakland University (Biochemistry)
Contact Information
Research Interests

Pediatric Preventive Cardiologist focused on a career in preventive cardiology that addresses the impact of cardiovascular risk factors on cardiac structure and function. Research interests include identification of cardiac dysfunction and vascular changes associated with cardiovascular risk factors present in youth, utilization of home blood pressure devices for the diagnosis and management of pediatric hypertension, and improving screening for cardiovascular risk factors in individuals with congeni...

Peer Reviewed Publications

Henson SE, Lang SM, Khoury PR, Tian C, Rutter MM, Urbina EM, Ryan TD, Taylor MD, Alsaied T. 2021. The Effect of Adiposity on Cardiovascular Function and Myocardial Fibrosis in Patients With Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Journal of the American Heart Association, 10 19, e021037

Henson, Sarah E; Lang, Sean M; Khoury, Philip R; Tian, Cuixia; Rutter, Meilan M; Urbina, Elaine M; Ryan, Thomas D; Taylor, Michael D; Alsaied, Tarek 2021. The Effect of Adiposity on Cardiovascular Function and Myocardial Fibrosis in Patients With Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Journal of the American Heart Association, 10 19, e021037

Siddiqui S, Alsaied T, Henson SE, Gandhi J, Patel P, Khoury P, Villa C, Ryan TD, Wittekind SG, Lang SM, Taylor MD. 2020. Left Ventricular Magnetic Resonance Imaging Strain Predicts the Onset of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy-Associated Cardiomyopathy. Circulation , 13 11, e011526

Siddiqui, Saira; Alsaied, Tarek; Henson, Sarah E; Gandhi, Janvi; Patel, Priyal; Khoury, Philip; Villa, Chet; Ryan, Thomas D; Wittekind, Samuel G; Lang, Sean M; Taylor, Michael D 2020. Left Ventricular Magnetic Resonance Imaging Strain Predicts the Onset of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy-Associated Cardiomyopathy. Circulation. Cardiovascular imaging, 13 11, e011526