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About / Leadership

Senior Vice President for Health Affairs and Dean

Executive Vice Dean

View More about Brett Kissela, MD
Photo of  Brett Kissela, MD

Brett Kissela, MD

Executive Vice Dean, Senior Associate Dean of Clinical Research & Chair of the Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine

Senior Associate Deans

View More about Alex Lentsch, PHD
Photo of  Alex Lentsch, PHD

Alex Lentsch, PHD

Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs & Development & the Department Chair of Environmental Health & Public Health Sciences

Associate Deans

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University of Cincinnati
College of Medicine

CARE/Crawley Building
Suite E-870
3230 Eden Avenue
PO Box 670555
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0555

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Phone: 513-558-7333
Fax: 513-558-3512
Email: College of Medicine