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Growth Mindset - University of Cincinnati Internal Medicine

Growth Mindset -- Becoming a Self-Directed Learner

Research shows that about 80% of what you learn during a given presentation is gone by 1 week, and nearly 100% is gone in 1 year unless you do something with the information.

The forgetting curve is not kind, but there are strategies to combat it.

We want you to develop the habits of effective self-directed learning.

How will you study once medical school and shelf exams are over? What will be your plan now that you no longer have large chunks of time for studying?

Our goal at the University of Cincinnati is to help you truly become true life-long learner. Evidence shows this occurs through goal setting, developing intrinsic motivation, creating space for reflection, and taking full advantage of cognitive science principles that are proven for effective learning.

There are many wonderful resources to learn Internal Medicine. We provide money for MKSAP and we will encourage you to frequently test yourself.

Cognitive science has shown over and over that you retain information best when you force yourself to retrieve the information (multiple choice questions, flashcards, teaching others, etc.) and when you repeat this process over and over (distributed practice).

Our residency is devoted to helping you (through our coaching program) not only pass the boards but also become the kind of clinician that continues to learn forever.

If you’re interested more in how we think about learning you can check out this fantastic book.

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Department of Internal Medicine
231 Albert Sabin Way
Medical Sciences Building Room 6058
PO Box 670557
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0557

Fax: 513-558-3878