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Photo of  Karthikeyan Meganathan, PhD

Karthikeyan Meganathan, PhD

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Data Analyst

Biostats, Health Inform & Data Sci | College of Medicine

  • PhD: University of Cincinnati (Biostatistics)
  • MS: University of Cincinnati (Pharmaceutical Science - Drug Development)
  • MS: Bowling Green State University (Applied Statistics)
  • BS: Loyola College (Statistics)
Contact Information
Research Interests

Data analysis, data management

Peer Reviewed Publications

Cattran, Ashley; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Gupta, Nishant 2021. Epidemiology and Healthcare Utilization of Spontaneous Pneumothorax and Diffuse Cystic Lung Diseases in the United States. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 18 3, 534-536

Piwoszkin, Lisa Marie; Corley, Megan; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Narendran, Vivek; Nommsen-Rivers, Laurie; Ward, Laura P 2021. Predictors of the Provision of Mother's Milk Feedings in Newborns Admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Breastfeeding medicine : the official journal of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, 16 8, 640-647

Shah, Silvi; Leonard, Anthony C; Harrison, Kathleen; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Christianson, Annette L; Thakar, Charuhas V 2020. Mortality and Recovery Associated with Kidney Failure due to Acute Kidney Injury. Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN, 15 7, 995-1006

Shah, Silvi; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Christianson, Annette L; Harrison, Kathleen; Leonard, Anthony C; Thakar, Charuhas V 2020. Pregnancy-Related Acute Kidney Injury in the United States: Clinical Outcomes and Health Care Utilization. American journal of nephrology, 51 3, 216-226

Polen-De, Clarissa; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Lang, Patrick; Hohmann, Samuel; Jackson, Amanda; Whiteside, James L 2019. Nationwide salpingectomy rates for an indication of permanent contraception before and after published practice guidelines. Contraception, 100 2, 111-115

Schumacher, Daniel J; Wu, Danny T Y; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Li, Lezhi; Kinnear, Benjamin; Sall, Dana R; Holmboe, Eric; Carraccio, Carol; van der Vleuten, Cees; Busari, Jamiu; Kelleher, Matthew; Schauer, Daniel; Warm, Eric 2019. A Feasibility Study to Attribute Patients to Primary Interns on Inpatient Ward Teams Using Electronic Health Record Data. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 94 9, 1376-1383

Shah, Silvi; Christianson, Annette L; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Leonard, Anthony C; Schauer, Daniel P; Thakar, Charuhas V 2019. Racial Differences and Factors Associated with Pregnancy in ESKD Patients on Dialysis in the United States. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN, 30 12, 2437-2448

Shah, Silvi; Christianson, Annette L; Verma, Prasoon; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Leonard, Anthony C; Schauer, Daniel P; Thakar, Charuhas V 2019. Racial disparities and factors associated with pregnancy in kidney transplant recipients in the United States. PloS one, 14 8, e0220916

Shah, Silvi; Leonard, Anthony C; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Christianson, Annette L; Thakar, Charuhas V 2019. Temporal Trends in Incident Mortality in Dialysis Patients: Focus on Sex and Racial Disparities. American journal of nephrology, 49 3, 241-253

Shah, Silvi; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Christianson, Annette L; Leonard, Anthony C; Thakar, Charuhas V 2019. Pre-dialysis acute care hospitalizations and clinical outcomes in dialysis patients. PloS one, 14 1, e0209578

Wu, Danny T Y; Deoghare, Smruti; Shan, Zhe; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Blondon, Katherine 2019. The potential role of dashboard use and navigation in reducing medical errors of an electronic health record system: a mixed-method simulation handoff study. Health systems (Basingstoke, England), 8 3, 203-214

Shah, Silvi; Leonard, Anthony C; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Christianson, Annette L; Thakar, Charuhas V 2018. Gender and Racial Disparities in Initial Hemodialysis Access and Outcomes in Incident End-Stage Renal Disease Patients. American journal of nephrology, 48 1, 4-14

Wu, Danny T Y; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Newcomb, Matthew; Ni, Yizhao; Dexheimer, Judith W; Kirkendall, Eric S; Spooner, S Andrew 2018. A Comparison of Existing Methods to Detect Weight Data Errors in a Pediatric Academic Medical Center. AMIA ... Annual Symposium proceedings. AMIA Symposium, 2018 , 1103-1109

Szaflarski, Magdalena; Bauldry, Shawn; Cubbins, Lisa A; Meganathan, Karthikeyan 2017. Nativity, Race-Ethnicity, and Dual Diagnosis among US Adults. Research in the sociology of health care, 35 , 171-191

Szaflarski, Magdalena; Cubbins, Lisa A; Meganathan, Karthikeyan 2017. Anxiety Disorders among US Immigrants: The Role of Immigrant Background and Social-Psychological Factors. Issues in mental health nursing, 38 4, 317-326

Szaflarski, Magdalena; Cubbins, Lisa A; Bauldry, Shawn; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Klepinger, Daniel H; Somoza, Eugene 2016. Major Depressive Disorder and Dysthymia at the Intersection of Nativity and Racial-Ethnic Origins. Journal of immigrant and minority health, 18 4, 749-763

Vagal, Achala; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Kleindorfer, Dawn O; Adeoye, Opeolu; Hornung, Richard; Khatri, Pooja 2014. Increasing use of computed tomographic perfusion and computed tomographic angiograms in acute ischemic stroke from 2006 to 2010. Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, 45 4, 1029-34

Kingrey, John F; Panos, Ralph J; Ying, Jun; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Vandivier, Robin; Elwing, Jean M 2013. Provider recognition and response to echocardiographic findings indicating pulmonary hypertension in the Veterans affairs medical center population. Pulmonary circulation, 3 2, 389-95

Szaflarski, Magdalena; Ritchey, P Neal; Jacobson, C Jeffrey; Williams, Rhys H; Baumann Grau, Amy; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Ellison, Christopher G; Tsevat, Joel 2013. Faith-based HIV prevention and counseling programs: findings from the Cincinnati census of religious congregations. AIDS and behavior, 17 5, 1839-54

Anderson, Jeffrey B; Czosek, Richard J; Cnota, James; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Knilans, Timothy K; Heaton, Pamela C 2012. Pediatric syncope: National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey results. The Journal of emergency medicine, 43 4, 575-83

Anderson, Jeffrey B; Czosek, Richard J; Knilans, Timothy K; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Heaton, Pamela 2012. Postoperative heart block in children with common forms of congenital heart disease: results from the KID Database. Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology, 23 12, 1349-54

Bragg, Elizabeth J; Warshaw, Gregg A; Cheong, Josepha; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Brewer, David E 2012. National survey of geriatric psychiatry fellowship programs: comparing findings in 2006/07 and 2001/02 from the American Geriatrics Society and association of directors of geriatric academic programs' geriatrics workforce policy studies center. The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry, 20 2, 169-78

Bragg, Elizabeth J; Warshaw, Gregg A; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Brewer, David E 2012. The development of academic geriatric medicine in the United States 2005 to 2010: an essential resource for improving the medical care of older adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 60 8, 1540-5

Czosek, Richard J; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Anderson, Jeffrey B; Knilans, Timothy K; Marino, Bradley S; Heaton, Pamela C 2012. Cardiac rhythm devices in the pediatric population: utilization and complications. Heart rhythm : the official journal of the Heart Rhythm Society, 9 2, 199-208

Bragg, Elizabeth J; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Shay, Kenneth; Gilman, Stuart C; Zeiss, Robert A; Hettler, Debbie L 2011. The Impact of VA's geriatric research, education and clinical centers on academic affiliates. Gerontology & geriatrics education, 32 1, 5-21

Bragg, Elizabeth J; Warshaw, Gregg A; van der Willik, Odette; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Weber, Debra; Cornwall, Danielle; Leonard, Anthony C 2011. Paul B. Beeson career development awards in aging research and U.S. medical schools aging and geriatric medicine programs. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 59 9, 1730-8

DeHoff, Mary Ellen; Clark, Krista L; Meganathan, Karthikeyan 2011. Learning outcomes and student-perceived value of clay modeling and cat dissection in undergraduate human anatomy and physiology. Advances in physiology education, 35 1, 68-75

Horner, Ronnie D; Szaflarski, Jerzy P; Jacobson, C Jeffrey; Elder, Nancy; Bolon, Shannon; Matthews, Gerald; Ying, Jun; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Raphaelson, Marc 2011. Clinical work intensity among physician specialties: how might we assess it? What do we find? Medical care, 49 1, 108-13

Horner, Ronnie D; Szaflarski, Jerzy P; Ying, Jun; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Matthews, Gerald; Schroer, Brian; Weber, Debra; Raphaelson, Marc 2011. Physician work intensity among medical specialties: emerging evidence on its magnitude and composition. Medical care, 49 11, 1007-11

Mahoney, Mary C; Meganathan, Karthikeyan 2011. False positive marks on unsuspicious screening mammography with computer-aided detection. Journal of digital imaging : the official journal of the Society for Computer Applications in Radiology, 24 5, 772-7

Bragg, Elizabeth J; Warshaw, Gregg A; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Brewer, David E 2010. National survey of geriatric medicine fellowship programs: comparing findings in 2006/07 and 2001/02 from the American Geriatrics Society and Association of Directors of Geriatric Academic Programs Geriatrics Workforce Policy Studies Center. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 58 11, 2166-72

Leesar, Massoud A; Varma, Jai; Shapira, Adam; Fahsah, Ibrahim; Raza, Seyed T; Elghoul, Ziad; Leonard, Anthony C; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Ikram, Sohail 2009. Prediction of hypertension improvement after stenting of renal artery stenosis: comparative accuracy of translesional pressure gradients, intravascular ultrasound, and angiography. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 53 25, 2363-71

Warshaw, Gregg A; Bragg, Elizabeth J; Brewer, David E; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Ho, Mona 2007. The development of academic geriatric medicine: progress toward preparing the nation's physicians to care for an aging population. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 55 12, 2075-82

Shah, Silvi; Christianson, Annette L; Thakar, Charuhas V; Kramer, Samantha; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Leonard, Anthony C . Contraceptive Use Among Women With End-Stage Kidney Disease on Dialysis in the United States. Kidney medicine, 2 6, 707-715.e1

Warshaw, Gregg A; Bragg, Elizabeth J; Layde, Joseph B; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Brewer, David E . Geriatrics education in psychiatric residencies: a national survey of program directors. Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry, 34 1, 39-45