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Welcome from Dr. Christopher Marett


Thank you for your interest in the Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship Program at the University of Cincinnati! I hope that this website provides ample background of the breadth and depth of the training available at our program.

It is an exciting time to be interested in forensic psychiatry. Courts, attorneys, and other organizations increasingly seek experts that can apply the knowledge of psychiatry to answer legal and regulatory issues. To meet this demand, the University of Cincinnati Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship program aims to train ethically sound forensic psychiatrists adept at communicating psychiatric findings to broad audiences. Our graduates complete fellowship prepared to conduct independent, objective, and in-depth evaluations; construct an organized and well-reasoned opinion, and communicate that opinion effectively in written reports and oral testimony. They are also trained to deliver compassionate psychiatric care to the unfortunately ever-growing population of people with mental illness involved in the criminal legal system.

In our ACGME-accredited training program, fellows receive direct supervision and feedback in conducting forensic evaluations, writing reports, and offering testimony. They receive didactic instruction in a range of forensic topics, including a separate legal didactic track with A.J. Stephani, a UC Law Professor specializing in mental health law. Fellows are headquartered at Summit Behavioral Healthcare (SBH) where they perform competency to stand trial evaluations, criminal responsibility assessments, guardianship evaluations, and violence risk assessments. They have recurrent testimonial experience providing independent expert evaluations for civil commitment in the Hamilton County Probate Court. Most fellows graduate having testified between 125-150 times. Additionally, fellows treat individuals incarcerated at the Adams County Jail and through the Adams County Probation Services clinic. They participate in biweekly mock trials and case conferences with other Ohio fellowships, and they hold interdisciplinary monthly journal clubs. Fellows are also encouraged to participate in a wide range of civil and criminal private casework with UC faculty members.

Again, thank you for your interest in our program. Please do not hesitate to reach out to myself, or our program coordinator, Molly Johnson, with any questions.

Christopher P. Marett, M.D., M.P.H
Director, Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship Program

Forensic Department photo

Pictured from left to right: Associate Program Director John Henning, M.D., Program Director Christopher Marett, M.D., Forensic Psychologist Amanda Dolan Psy.D.

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Department of
Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience

Stetson Building Suite 3200
260 Stetson Street
PO Box 670559
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0559