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Faculty Development Opportunities at UC-COM

The Office of Faculty Affairs & Development have created new development programming for our faculty in the areas of professional development, research development, teaching and education development, and wellness. Programs in these four tracks will be offered on a monthly basis during the academic year. Complete listing of development programs being offered 2024-2025 Programs.

September  2024 

September 10, 2024       Components of Data Sharing 

Facilitator:   Amy Koshoffer
Via:  Microsoft Teams
Time: 12-1pm 

Learning Objectives 

  1. Define data sharing so researchers know what is expected through the lifecycle of their projects
  2. Highlight UC and external resources to help researchers successfully share data as required by funders and publishers 

September 18, 2024       Managing Difficult Conversations with Compassion & Resilience 

Facilitator:   Chad Zender, MD
Via:  Microsoft Teams
Time: 1-2pm 

Description:  How to conduct difficult patient conversations with compassion, including communicating a terminal diagnosis, the futility of further aggressive medical treatment, and end-of-life  discussions and developing your personal strategies to recharge after difficult conversations.

Learning objectives:
  1. Understand what makes something a “difficult conversation”
  2. Increase comfort addressing emotion during a difficult conversation
  3. Build a repository of key words, phrases, and actions to utilize when having a difficult conversation with a patient
  4. (Start to) Develop your personal strategies to recharge after a difficult conversation


September 23, 2024       Managing Cross-Cultural Patient Encounters 

Facilitator:   Bi Awosika, MD
Via:  Microsoft Teams
Time: 12-1:15pm 


Description:   Discuss issues of diversity impacting all aspects of the clinical encounter from both the patient and provider perspectives.

Learning Objectives:
  1. Discuss potentiating factors that impact cross-cultural patient encounters
  2. Define cultural intelligence and its importance within the clinical setting
  3. Review with the goal to implement key strategies that would contribute to successful multi-cultural encounters

October 2024

October 1           Effectively Managing Teams
October 9          Accessibility in Medical Education (CME Credit)
October 15        The Art of Negotiation 
October 16        Upcoming Changes to NIH Review
October 22        Fueling Your Day With Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Healthy Eating
October 24        Championing Culture Building in your Department (repeat)

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Contact Us

Office of Faculty Affairs
and Development

231 Albert Sabin Way
Suite G003
Cincinnati OH  45229

Mail Location: 0554
Phone: 513-558-0175
FAX: 513-558-3513
