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Photo of  Kevin Haworth, PhD

Kevin Haworth, PhD

Associate Professor

Internal Medicine | College of Medicine

  • Postdoctoral Fellowship: University of Cincinnati (Internal Medicine)
  • Postdoctoral Fellowship: University of Cincinnati (Biomedical Engineering)
  • Doctoral Degree: University of Michigan (Applied Physics)
  • Master's Degree: University of Michigan (Applied Physics)
  • Bachelor's Degree: Truman State University (Physics, Minor in Mathematics; Summa Cum Laude, General and Departmental Honors)
Contact Information
Research Interests

I am interested in understanding the physical mechanisms behind bubble-enhanced ultrasound biotherapies and application of the acoustic signatures of insonified bubbles.  This creates a research program that spans acoustics, signal processing, imaging, and medicine. Two current foci of my work are passive acoustic mapping and acoustic droplet vaporization for the treatment of cardiovascular disease.

Peer Reviewed Publications

Escudero, Daniel Suarez; Lafond, Maxime; Salido, Nuria G; Haworth, Kevin J; Hannah, Alexander S; Macke, Gregory P; Genstler, Curtis; Holland, Christy K 2023. Corrigendum to 'Cavitation emissions nucleated by Definity infused through an EkoSonic catheter in a flow phantom' [Ultrasound in Med & Biol. 47 (2021) 693-709]. Ultrasound in medicine & biology, 49 1, 410-414

Haworth, Kevin J; Niederhausen, Kelly C; Smith, Eric P; Sadayappan, Sakthivel; Wess, Yolanda; Rubinstein, Jack; Schauer, Daniel P; Soleimani, Manoocher; Rouan, Gregory W; Fichtenbaum, Carl J 2023. Research Initiative Supporting Excellence at the University of Cincinnati (RISE-UC): A Program to Develop and Support Research-Active Faculty Members. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 98 10, 1120-1130

Haworth, Kevin J; Salido, Nuria Gonzales; Lafond, Maxime; Escudero, Daniel Suarez; Holland, Christy K 2023. Passive Cavitation Imaging Artifact Reduction Using Data-Adaptive Spatial Filtering. IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control, 70 6, 498-509

Kennedy, Sonya R; Lafond, Maxime; Haworth, Kevin J; Escudero, Daniel Suarez; Ionascu, Dan; Frierson, Brion; Huang, Shaoling; Klegerman, Melvin E; Peng, Tao; McPherson, David D; Genstler, Curtis; Holland, Christy K 2023. Initiating and imaging cavitation from infused echo contrast agents through the EkoSonic catheter. Scientific reports, 13 1, 6191

Klegerman, Melvin E; Moody, Melanie R; Huang, Shao-Ling; Peng, Tao; Laing, Susan T; Govindarajan, Vijay; Danila, Delia; Tahanan, Amirali; Rahbar, Mohammad H; Vela, Deborah; Genstler, Curtis; Haworth, Kevin J; Holland, Christy K; McPherson, David D; Kee, Patrick H 2023. Demonstration of ultrasound-mediated therapeutic delivery of fibrin-targeted pioglitazone-loaded echogenic liposomes into the arterial bed for attenuation of peri-stent restenosis. Journal of drug targeting, 31 1, 109-118

Rao, Rohan; Patel, Anjali; Hanchate, Kunal; Robinson, Eric; Edwards, Aniela; Shah, Sanjit; Higgins, Dominique; Haworth, Kevin J; Lucke-Wold, Brandon; Pomeranz Krummel, Daniel; Sengupta, Soma 2023. Advances in Focused Ultrasound for the Treatment of Brain Tumors. Tomography (Ann Arbor, Mich.), 9 3, 1094-1109

Suarez Escudero, Daniel; Haworth, Kevin J; Genstler, Curtis; Holland, Christy K 2023. Quantifying the Effect of Acoustic Parameters on Temporal and Spatial Cavitation Activity: Gauging Cavitation Dose. Ultrasound in medicine & biology, 49 11, 2388-2397

Benton, Rachel P; Al Rifai, Nour; Stone, Kateryna; Clark, Abigail; Zhang, Bin; Haworth, Kevin J 2022. Impact of Perfluoropentane Microdroplets Diameter and Concentration on Acoustic Droplet Vaporization Transition Efficiency and Oxygen Scavenging. Pharmaceutics, 14 11,

Lechpammer, Mirna; Rao, Rohan; Shah, Sanjit; Mirheydari, Mona; Bhattacharya, Debanjan; Koehler, Abigail; Toukam, Donatien Kamdem; Haworth, Kevin J; Pomeranz Krummel, Daniel; Sengupta, Soma 2022. Advances in Immunotherapy for the Treatment of Adult Glioblastoma: Overcoming Chemical and Physical Barriers. Cancers, 14 7,

Zemzemi, Chadi; Phillips, Matthew; Vela, Deborah C; Hilvert, Nicole A; Racadio, John M; Bader, Kenneth B; Haworth, Kevin J; Holland, Christy K 2022. Effect of Thrombin and Incubation Time on Porcine Whole Blood Clot Elasticity and Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator Susceptibility. Ultrasound in medicine & biology, 48 8, 1567-1578

Hendley, Samuel A; Paul, Jonathan D; Maxwell, Adam D; Haworth, Kevin J; Holland, Christy K; Bader, Kenneth B 2021. Clot degradation under the action of histotripsy bubble activity and a lytic drug. IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control, PP ,

Lafond, Maxime; Salido, Nuria G; Haworth, Kevin J; Hannah, Alexander S; Macke, Gregory P; Genstler, Curtis; Holland, Christy K 2021. Cavitation Emissions Nucleated by Definity Infused through an EkoSonic Catheter in a Flow Phantom. Ultrasound in medicine & biology, 47 3, 693-709

Maxwell, Adam D; Haworth, Kevin J; Holland, Christy K; Hendley, Samuel A; Kreider, Wayne; Bader, Kenneth B 2021. Design and Characterization of an Ultrasound Transducer for Combined Histotripsy-Thrombolytic Therapy. IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control, PP ,

Bollen, Viktor; Hendley, Samuel A; Paul, Jonathan D; Maxwell, Adam D; Haworth, Kevin J; Holland, Christy K; Bader, Kenneth B 2020. In Vitro Thrombolytic Efficacy of Single- and Five-Cycle Histotripsy Pulses and rt-PA. Ultrasound in medicine & biology, 46 2, 336-349

Kee, Patrick H; Moody, Melanie R; Huang, Shao-Ling; Kim, Hyunggun; Yin, Xing; Peng, Tao; Laing, Susan T; Klegerman, Melvin E; Rahbar, Mohammad H; Vela, Deborah; Genstler, Curtis; Haworth, Kevin J; Holland, Christy K; McPherson, David D 2020. Stabilizing Peri-Stent Restenosis Using a Novel Therapeutic Carrier. JACC. Basic to translational science, 5 1, 1-11

Kleven, Robert T; Karani, Kunal B; Salido, Nuria G; Shekhar, Himanshu; Haworth, Kevin J; Mast, T Douglas; Tadesse, Dawit G; Holland, Christy K 2019. The effect of 220?kHz insonation scheme on rt-PA thrombolytic efficacy in vitro. Physics in medicine and biology, 64 16, 165015

Mercado-Shekhar, Karla P; Kleven, Robert; Rivera, Hermes Aponte; Lewis, Ryden; Karani, Kunal B; Vos, Hendrik J; Abruzzo, Todd A; Haworth, Kevin J; Holland, Christy K 2019. Erratum to 'Effect of clot stiffness on recombinant tissue plasminogen activator lytic susceptibility in vitro' [Ultrasound Med Biol 44 (2018) 2710-2727]. Ultrasound in medicine & biology, 45 7, 1860

Mercado-Shekhar, Karla P; Su, Haili; Kalaikadal, Deepak S; Lorenz, John N; Manglik, Raj M; Holland, Christy K; Redington, Andrew N; Haworth, Kevin J 2019. Acoustic droplet vaporization-mediated dissolved oxygen scavenging in blood-mimicking fluids, plasma, and blood. Ultrasonics sonochemistry, 56 , 114-124

Shekhar, Himanshu; Palaniappan, Arunkumar; Peng, Tao; Lafond, Maxime; Moody, Melanie R; Haworth, Kevin J; Huang, Shaoling; McPherson, David D; Holland, Christy K 2019. Characterization and Imaging of Lipid-Shelled Microbubbles for Ultrasound-Triggered Release of Xenon. Neurotherapeutics : the journal of the American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics, 16 3, 878-890

Abadi, Shima H; Haworth, Kevin J; Mercado-Shekhar, Karla P; Dowling, David R 2018. Frequency-sum beamforming for passive cavitation imaging. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 144 1, 198

Bader, Kenneth B; Haworth, Kevin J; Maxwell, Adam D; Holland, Christy K 2018. Post Hoc Analysis of Passive Cavitation Imaging for Classification of Histotripsy-Induced Liquefaction in Vitro. IEEE transactions on medical imaging, 37 1, 106-115

Mercado-Shekhar, Karla P; Kleven, Robert T; Aponte Rivera, Hermes; Lewis, Ryden; Karani, Kunal B; Vos, Hendrik J; Abruzzo, Todd A; Haworth, Kevin J; Holland, Christy K 2018. Effect of Clot Stiffness on Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator Lytic Susceptibility in Vitro. Ultrasound in medicine & biology, 44 12, 2710-2727

Haworth, Kevin J; Bader, Kenneth B; Rich, Kyle T; Holland, Christy K; Mast, T Douglas 2017. Quantitative Frequency-Domain Passive Cavitation Imaging. IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control, 64 1, 177-191

Haworth, Kevin J; Goldstein, Bryan H; Mercado-Shekhar, Karla P; Srivastava, Rohan; Arunkumar, P; Su, Haili; Privitera, Ellena M; Holland, Christy K; Redington, Andrew N 2017. Dissolved Oxygen Scavenging by Acoustic Droplet Vaporization using Intravascular Ultrasound. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium : [proceedings]. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 2017 ,

Bader, Kenneth B; Haworth, Kevin J; Shekhar, Himanshu; Maxwell, Adam D; Peng, Tao; McPherson, David D; Holland, Christy K 2016. Efficacy of histotripsy combined with rt-PA in vitro. Physics in medicine and biology, 61 14, 5253-74

Haworth, Kevin J; Raymond, Jason L; Radhakrishnan, Kirthi; Moody, Melanie R; Huang, Shao-Ling; Peng, Tao; Shekhar, Himanshu; Klegerman, Melvin E; Kim, Hyunggun; McPherson, David D; Holland, Christy K 2016. Erratum to: "Trans-stent B-mode Ultrasound and Passive Cavitation Imaging" in Ultrasound Med Biol 2016;42(2):518-527. Ultrasound in medicine & biology, 42 5, 1244

Klegerman, Melvin E; Naji, Ali K; Haworth, Kevin J; Zou, Yuejiao; Golunski, Eva; Peng, Tao; Britton, George L; Huang, Shao-Ling; Holland, Christy K; McPherson, David D 2016. Ultrasound-enhanced bevacizumab release from echogenic liposomes for inhibition of atheroma progression. Journal of liposome research, 26 1, 47-56

Mercado, Karla P; Radhakrishnan, Kirthi; Stewart, Kyle; Snider, Lindsay; Ryan, Devin; Haworth, Kevin J 2016. Size-isolation of ultrasound-mediated phase change perfluorocarbon droplets using differential centrifugation. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 139 5, EL142

Radhakrishnan, Kirthi; Holland, Christy K; Haworth, Kevin J 2016. Scavenging dissolved oxygen via acoustic droplet vaporization. Ultrasonics sonochemistry, 31 , 394-403

Sutton, J T; Haworth, K J; Shanmukhappa, S K; Moody, M R; Klegerman, M E; Griffin, J K; Patton, D M; McPherson, D D; Holland, C K 2016. Delivery of bevacizumab to atheromatous porcine carotid tissue using echogenic liposomes. Drug delivery, 23 9, 3594-3605

Haworth, Kevin J; Raymond, Jason L; Radhakrishnan, Kirthi; Moody, Melanie R; Huang, Shao-Ling; Peng, Tao; Shekhar, Himanshu; Klegerman, Melvin E; Kim, Hyunggun; McPherson, David D; Holland, Christy K 2015. Trans-Stent B-Mode Ultrasound And Passive Cavitation Imaging. Ultrasound in medicine & biology, ,

Haworth, Kevin J; Salgaonkar, Vasant A; Corregan, Nicholas M; Holland, Christy K; Mast, T Douglas 2015. Using Passive Cavitation Images to Classify High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Lesions. Ultrasound in medicine & biology, 41 9, 2420-34

Radhakrishnan, Kirthi; Haworth, Kevin J; Peng, Tao; McPherson, David D; Holland, Christy K 2015. Loss of echogenicity and onset of cavitation from echogenic liposomes: pulse repetition frequency independence. Ultrasound in medicine & biology, 41 1, 208-21

Haworth, Kevin J; Weidner, Christopher R; Abruzzo, Todd A; Shearn, Jason T; Holland, Christy K 2014. Mechanical properties and fibrin characteristics of endovascular coil-clot complexes: relevance to endovascular cerebral aneurysm repair paradigms. Journal of neurointerventional surgery, ,

Raymond, Jason L; Haworth, Kevin J; Bader, Kenneth B; Radhakrishnan, Kirthi; Griffin, Joseph K; Huang, Shao-Ling; McPherson, David D; Holland, Christy K 2014. Broadband Attenuation Measurements of Phospholipid-Shelled Ultrasound Contrast Agents. Ultrasound in medicine & biology, 40 2, 410

Bader, Kenneth B; Radhakrishnan, Kirthi; Haworth, Kevin J; Raymond, Jason L; Huang, Shao-Ling; Peng, Tao; McPherson, David D; Holland, Christy K 2013. Modeling the loss of echogenicity from ultrasound contrast agents. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 134 5, 3977

Koch, Sheryl E; Haworth, Kevin J; Robbins, Nathan; Smith, Margaret A; Lather, Navneet; Anjak, Ahmad; Jiang, Min; Varma, Priyanka; Jones, W Keith; Rubinstein, Jack 2013. Age- and Gender-Related Changes in Ventricular Performance in Wild-Type FVB/N Mice as Evaluated by Conventional and Vector Velocity Echocardiography Imaging: A Retrospective Study. Ultrasound in medicine & biology, 39 11, 2034

Kopechek, Jonathan A; Haworth, Kevin J; Radhakrishnan, Kirthi; Huang, Shao-Ling; Klegerman, Melvin E; McPherson, David D; Holland, Christy K 2013. The impact of bubbles on measurement of drug release from echogenic liposomes. Ultrasonics sonochemistry, 20 4, 1121-30

Littleton, Robert M; Haworth, Kevin J; Tang, Hong; Setchell, Kenneth D R; Nelson, Sandra; Hove, Jay R 2013. Automated in vivo platform for the discovery of functional food treatments of hypercholesterolemia. PloS one, 8 1, e52409

Radhakrishnan, Kirthi; Bader, Kenneth B; Haworth, Kevin J; Kopechek, Jonathan A; Raymond, Jason L; Huang, Shao-Ling; McPherson, David D; Holland, Christy K 2013. Relationship between cavitation and loss of echogenicity from ultrasound contrast agents. Physics in medicine and biology, 58 18, 6541-63

Sutton, Jonathan T; Haworth, Kevin J; Pyne-Geithman, Gail; Holland, Christy K 2013. Ultrasound-mediated drug delivery for cardiovascular disease. Expert opinion on drug delivery, 10 5, 573-92

Haworth, Kevin J; Mast, T Douglas; Radhakrishnan, Kirthi; Burgess, Mark T; Kopechek, Jonathan A; Huang, Shao-Ling; McPherson, David D; Holland, Christy K 2012. Passive imaging with pulsed ultrasound insonations. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 132 1, 544-53

Radhakrishnan, Kirthi; Haworth, Kevin J; Huang, Shao-Ling; Klegerman, Melvin E; McPherson, David D; Holland, Christy K 2012. Stability of echogenic liposomes as a blood pool ultrasound contrast agent in a physiologic flow phantom. Ultrasound in medicine & biology, 38 11, 1970-81

Hitchcock, Kathryn E; Ivancevich, Nikolas M; Haworth, Kevin J; Caudell Stamper, Danielle N; Vela, Deborah C; Sutton, Jonathan T; Pyne-Geithman, Gail J; Holland, Christy K 2011. Ultrasound-enhanced rt-PA thrombolysis in an ex vivo porcine carotid artery model. Ultrasound in medicine & biology, 37 8, 1240-51

Kopechek, Jonathan A; Haworth, Kevin J; Raymond, Jason L; Douglas Mast, T; Perrin, Stephen R; Klegerman, Melvin E; Huang, Shaoling; Porter, Tyrone M; McPherson, David D; Holland, Christy K 2011. Acoustic characterization of echogenic liposomes: frequency-dependent attenuation and backscatter. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130 5, 3472-81

Zhang, Man; Fabiilli, Mario L; Haworth, Kevin J; Padilla, Frederic; Swanson, Scott D; Kripfgans, Oliver D; Carson, Paul L; Fowlkes, Jeffrey Brian 2011. Acoustic droplet vaporization for enhancement of thermal ablation by high intensity focused ultrasound. Academic radiology, 18 9, 1123-32

Fabiilli, Mario L; Haworth, Kevin J; Sebastian, Ian E; Kripfgans, Oliver D; Carson, Paul L; Fowlkes, J Brian 2010. Delivery of chlorambucil using an acoustically-triggered perfluoropentane emulsion Ultrasound in medicine & biology, 36 8, 1364-75

Zhang, M; Fabiilli, M L; Haworth, K J; Fowlkes, J B; Kripfgans, O D; Roberts, W W; Ives, K A; Carson, P L 2010. Initial investigation of acoustic droplet vaporization for occlusion in canine kidney. Ultrasound in medicine & biology, 36 10, 1691-703

Fabiilli, Mario L; Haworth, Kevin J; Fakhri, Nasir H; Kripfgans, Oliver D; Carson, Paul L; Fowlkes, J Brian 2009. The role of inertial cavitation in acoustic droplet vaporization. IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control, 56 5, 1006-17

Haworth, Kevin J; Fowlkes, J Brian; Carson, Paul L; Kripfgans, Oliver D 2009. Generalized shot noise model for time-reversal in multiple-scattering media allowing for arbitrary inputs and windowing. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 125 5, 3129-40

Haworth, Kevin J; Fowlkes, J Brian; Carson, Paul L; Kripfgans, Oliver D 2008. Towards aberration correction of transcranial ultrasound using acoustic droplet vaporization. Ultrasound in medicine & biology, 34 3, 435-45

Mercado-Shekhar K.P.;Kleven R.T.;Aponte Rivera H.;Lewis R.;Karani K.B.;Vos H.J.;Abruzzo T.A.;Haworth K.J.;Holland C.K. 12-01-2018. Effect of Clot Stiffness on Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator Lytic Susceptibility in Vitro Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 44 12, 2710-2727

Fabiilli M.L.;Sebastian I.E.;Haworth K.J.;Kripfgans O.D.;Carson P.L.;Fowlkes J.B. 12-01-2009. Ultrasonic delivery of a chemotherapeutic agent using Acoustic Droplet Vaporization (ADV) Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, ,

Fabiilli M.L.;Haworth K.J.;Kripfgans O.D.;Carson P.L.;Fowlkes J.B. 12-01-2008. The role of inertial cavitation in acoustic droplet Vaporization Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, , 768-771

Haworth K.;Fabiilli M.;Fowlkes J.;Zhang M.;Kripfgans O.;Roberts W.;Carson P. 12-01-2008. Mean echo power as a measure of flow reduction for bubble occlusion therapy Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, , 776-779

Haworth K.;Kripfgans O. 12-01-2008. Initial growth and coalescence of acoustically vaporized perfluorocarbon microdroplets Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, , 623-626

Haworth K.;Goldstein B.;Mercado-Shekhar K.;Holland C.;Redington A. 10-31-2017. Dissolved oxygen scavenging by acoustic droplet vaporization using intravascular ultrasound IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS, ,

Haworth K.J.;Arunkumar P.;Goldstein B.H.;Su H.;Mercado-Shekhar K.P.;Privitera E.M.;Srivastava R.;Holland C.K.;Redington A.N. 10-31-2017. Dissolved oxygen scavenging by acoustic droplet vaporization using intravascular ultrasound IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS, ,

Mercado-Shekhar K.P.;Su H.;Kalaikadal D.S.;Lorenz J.N.;Manglik R.M.;Holland C.K.;Redington A.N.;Haworth K.J. 09-01-2019. Acoustic droplet vaporization-mediated dissolved oxygen scavenging in blood-mimicking fluids, plasma Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 56 , 114-124

Kripfgans O.D.;Haworth K.J.;Steele D.D.;Swanson S.D. 08-25-2005. Magnetic resonance elastography using time reversed acoustics Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE, 5746 I, 323-332

Mercado-Shekhar K.P.;Kleven R.;Rivera H.A.;Lewis R.;Karani K.B.;Vos H.J.;Abruzzo T.A.;Haworth K.J.;Holland C.K. 07-01-2019. Erratum to ‘Effect of clot stiffness on recombinant tissue plasminogen activator lytic susceptibilit Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 45 7, 1860

Abadi S.H.;Haworth K.J.;Mercado-Shekhar K.P.;Dowling D.R. 07-01-2018. Frequency-sum beamforming for passive cavitation imaging Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 144 1, 198-209

Haworth K.;Salgaonkar V.;Corregan N.;Holland C.;Mast T. 06-19-2013. Spatial specificity and sensitivity of passive cavitation imaging for monitoring high-intensity focu Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 19 ,

Haworth K.;Raymond J.;Radhakrishnan K.;Moody M.;Huang S.;Peng T.;Shekhar H.;Klegerman M.;Kim H.;McPherson D.;Holland C. 05-01-2016. Erratum to: "Trans-stent B-mode Ultrasound and Passive Cavitation Imaging" in Ultrasound Med Biol 20 Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 42 5, 1244

Haworth K.J.;Fowlkes J.B.;Carson P.L.;Kripfgans O.D. 05-01-2010. Erratum: Generalized shot noise model for time-reversal in multiple-scattering media allowing for ar Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 127 5, 3273

Nguyen K.;Pan H.Y.;Haworth K.;Mahoney E.;Mercado-Shekhar K.P.;Lin C.Y.;Zhang Z.;C. Park Y. 01-01-2019. Multiple-Exposure Drug Release from Stable Nanodroplets by High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound for a P Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 45 1, 160-169

Shekhar H.;Palaniappan A.;Peng T.;Lafond M.;Moody M.R.;Haworth K.J.;Huang S.;McPherson D.D.;Holland C.K. 01-01-2019. Characterization and Imaging of Lipid-Shelled Microbubbles for Ultrasound-Triggered Release of Xenon Neurotherapeutics, ,

Schulz M.;Hou G.;Ng V.;Rabiee M.;Cahay M.;Chaudhary S.;Lindley D.;Chauhan D.;Paine M.;Vijayakumar D.;Xu C.;Yin Z.;Haworth K.;Liu Y.;Sundaram M.;Li W.;Mast D.;Shanov V. 01-01-2017. Science to commercialization of carbon nanotube sheet and yarn WSEAS Transactions on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics, 12 , 41-50

Zhang M.;Haworth K.;Swanson S.;Fabiilli M.;Kripfgans O.;Carson P.;Fowlkes J. 01-01-2009. WE?E?304A?05: Acoustic Droplet Vaporization for Enhancement of High Intensity Focused Ultrasound The Medical Physics, 36 6, 2786-2787

Fabiilli M.;Haworth K.;Zhang M.;Fowlkes J.;Kripfgans O.;Roberts W.;Ives K.;Carson P. 01-01-2008. SU?GG?J?196: Vascular Occlusion by Acoustically Vaporized Droplets for Potential Targeted Enhancemen Medical Physics, 35 6, 2724-2725

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University of Cincinnati
Department of Internal Medicine

Division of Cardiovascular Health and Diseases
231 Albert Sabin Way, ML 0542
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0542

Email:CCEP Fellowship Program