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The CCR aims to integrate research and training activities to advance bench-to-bedside patient care and personalized medicine.

Image of SURF program students

Educational Opportunities:

The AHA SURF and SURE programs offer unique research experiences to undergraduate students from diverse backgrounds and disciplines, igniting a passion for cardiovascular research as a career.

Early Career Cardiovascular Researchers
The Cincinnati Early-Career Cardiovascular Researchers (ECVR) is a trainee-led joint initiative between the University of Cincinnati (UC) and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital (CCHMC), dedicated to supporting the career development and training of students, postdoctoral fellows, and early-stage investigators working in all areas of cardiovascular science.

Cincinnati Early-Career Cardiovascular Researchers (ECVR)
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Contact Us

UC Center for Cardiovascular Research

Cardiovascular Center
231 Albert Sabin Way
PO Box 670542
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0542
Mail Location: 0542