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ADHD/ADD Information

University Health Services approach to Stimulant Medication for ADHD/ADD

UHS recognizes the important role stimulant medication plays in treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder.

Because these medications are controlled substances with significant abuse potential, the following procedure must be followed in order to be treated for ADHD and other attention disorders at UHS:

A. Evaluation

In order to be prescribed controlled substances for the treatment of ADHD, patients at UHS must receive a formal psychological, psychoeducational, or neuropsychological evaluation by a qualified physician, psychologist or mental health professional. Patients are strongly advised to share the acceptable documentation requirements (see below) to ensure that the evaluation they receive will meet the standards required. UHS is not responsible for evaluations obtained in the community that do not meet the documentation requirements described below.

If a student has been previously diagnosed with ADHD via formal evaluation, the patient must provide acceptable documentation of the diagnosis. See below for acceptable documentation requirements. Supporting documentation from a family member or primary care provider alone is insufficient.

A short term supply of medication may be prescribed pending receipt of records. This is solely at the discretion of the provider.

B. Documentation Requirements

Documentation must be in the form of an assessment record, treatment summary, and (neuro) psychological assessment report supporting the diagnosis. Documentation within the past 5 years is preferred. Progress notes alone are not sufficient. Evaluations that rely solely on self-report data are not sufficient. At the discretion of the UHS provider, alternate documentation may be acceptable on a case-by-case basis.

The diagnostic report should, where appropriate, include:

a. History of onset of the diagnosis

b. Objective and subjective methodologies used to determine the diagnosis

c. Assessment of possible comorbid diagnoses including learning disorders, mood disorders, anxiety disorders

d. Observer information documenting past and current symptoms in two or more settings

e. Diagnostic statement

If medications have been prescribed, a record of this must also be provided.

If documentation is determined by the provider to be insufficient to support the diagnosis and ongoing treatment of ADHD, the student must complete a formal diagnostic assessment as described above, before medications will be prescribed by UHS providers.

C. Treatment

1. Patient and provider must sign the Controlled Medication Agreement (PDF) before receiving any prescriptions.

2. Lost or stolen medications will not be replaced.

3. Periodic urine drug screening may occur.

4. Decisions to prescribe are made solely by the healthcare provider at UHS. Outside entities cannot compel us to prescribe. If a decision has been made not to prescribe at UHS based on current documentation, the student is free to seek outside consultation and care at their expense. A list of resources will be provided.

Please call University Health Services at 513-556-2564 for an appointment. Be sure to bring your formal testing results to the appointment. (See above details for what testing should include.)

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University Health Services

Richard E. Lindner Center
2751 O'Varsity Way, 3rd Floor
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0010

Mail Location: 0010
Phone: 513-556-2564
Fax: 513-556-1337